Teaching Painting
The art courses and icon workshops support the process of self-acceptance to self-confidence; ultimately connecting with our inner Self, the source of Divine Love. Artistic ability is not essential, just willingness, love of painting and a little patience with oneself. You will be individually supported in the learning of the basic practice of painting in the following types of courses:
- Intuitiv Painting/spirituell Art
- Icon Painting
- Hindu Painting
- Silk Painting
Intuitive Painting
In this seminar you learn to find your individual expression in painting. It is an inner journey where you express your own imagery through creativity. The first step of the course will consist of learning fundamental techniques of painting by practising drawing and form exercises.
The second step will be expressing inner pictures through concrete artistic exercises. In this contemplative work, it is very important to experience the inner stillness out of which we become creatively active.
Short relaxation and meditation with music, drawings, stroke exercises, free painting exercises, working with structures, nature painting, painting of a motive according to inner inspiration.
Techniques include
Paint strokes and forms with gouache colours, different painting techniques, theory of colours.
ICON Painting
Painting icons is a prayer. By concentrating on the Divine we create a connection which enables us to have spiritual experiences. In earlier times, only monks were allowed to paint icons. Their painting was done as a meditation and prayer. In current times, icons have been rediscovered as an artistic form. Icon painting follows fixed rules regarding form and drawing. However, the colours can be different and more individual.
Course structure • preparing a copy of the icon • composition of the painting • theory of colours • basic exercises in painting with gouache colours .painting faces, garments • ornaments • gilding
Hindu Painting
Art and painting is devotional practice. By concentrating on the Divine,on the hindu deities, we are reminded of our inner connection. These Seminar are designed as practical lessons in which participants learn about the meditative nature of silent painting. It is also an opportunity to express one’s creativity trough drawing and painting and learn different techniques with gouache color. Artistic ability is not essential, just love and willingness for painting.
Course structure
Wide selection of a Hindu motives to copy and paint * Drawing and painting faces, garments and ornaments * Creat new element in the picture * Free Painting
Silk Painting
In this special technique, painting on silk, we use a glass plate on which we paint. On request I can send you more information.